- Autodesk Maya 2021
- Autodesk Maya Tutorials

Autodesk Maya is a 3D animation, modelling, simulation, and rendering software that was originally developed in the late 90s. Maya isn’t just one program. Rather it is a composite of three individual programs Autodesk acquired over time. In 2005 Advanced Visualizer, Power Animator, and Alias Sketch were all combined. Autodesk Maya, commonly shortened to just Maya, is a 3D computer graphics application that runs on Windows, macOS and Linux, originally developed by Alias Systems Corporation (formerly Alias Wavefront) and currently owned and developed by Autodesk. It is used to create assets for interactive 3D. Autodesk Maya is a trial 3D modeling software download filed under 3d design and made available by Autodesk for Windows. The review for Autodesk Maya has not been completed yet, but it was tested by an editor here on a PC and a list of features has been compiled; see below.

Autodesk Maya 2021

Autodesk Maya Tutorials
This plugin provides a live link between Maya and Adobe ® After Effects ® allowing you to view a scene in both applications simultaneously, as well as perform changes in Maya and see them update in After Effects in real-time. Installation: This plug-in is available on Adobe Exchange. If you are unable to install this plugin via Adobe Exchange - you can install this plugin manually by downloading this plugin here on AREA and following the instructions below. Instructions for manual installation: Unzip com.autodeskmaya.livelink.zip and copy the com.autodeskmaya.livelink directory to: Win: C:Program Files (x86)Common FilesAdobeCEPextensions Mac: /Library/Application Support/Adobe/CEP/extensions *Note that administrator permissions are required to access these folders. Compatible elements include: Cameras (including Transforms, Focal Length / Aperture, Zoom) Spot, Point, and Ambient Lights (including Transforms, Intensity, Color, Cone) Groups (converted to Nulls) Locators (including Transforms) Planes (to adjust size, scale a 1x1 plane. Do not use Width / Height). Meshes (converted to Solids) And the data exported includes: Position Rotation Scale Intensity, Cone Angle, and Color (for lights) To set up a link Open both Maya and Adobe® After Effects® . In After Effects, go to Window > Extensions > Autodesk Maya Live Link. In Maya, go to File > Adobe® After Effects® Live Link. Click Link All to link all compatible scene elements to After Effects, or middle-drag specific elements from the Outliner into the Specific objects field and then click Link Specified. After Effects loads the Maya scene into its current composition. Further changes to the Maya scene will automatically update in After Effects unless the link is broken.