![Complementary Complementary](https://www.circuitstoday.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/09/cmos-connections.jpg)
Complementary Fett
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Аббревиатуры полупроводников: [spoil]3GIO Third Generation I/O (input/output) AMDP Advanced Multimedia Display Processor APD Avalanche Photodiode APDP anti-parallel diode pair ASSP application specific standard product BBD bucket brigade device BBUL Bumpless Build-UP Layer BGA ball grid array Bi-CMOS bipolar-complementary metal oxide semiconductor Bi-FET bipolar-FET BJT bipolar junction transistor BLM Ball Limiting Metal BOX buried oxide BQFP quad flat package with bumper C-4 controlled collapse chip connection CBA Cell Based Array CCD charge coupled device CC-NUMA cache coherent non-uniform memory access model CF Compact Flash CHMOS complementary high-performance MOS CID charge injection device CLB configurable logic block CLCC ceramic leaded chip carrier CMD charge modulation device CMOS complementary metal oxide semiconductor CMR Colossal magnetoresistive COB chip on board COF Chip ON Film COT customer on the tooling CPGA Ceramic Pin Grid Array CPLD complex programmable logic device CSD charge sweep device CSNC compossible Synapse Weight Newton Calculation CSP chip scale package CZP circular zone plate DCFL drain coupled FET logic DDR double data rate DFP dual flat package DHBT double heterojunction bipolar transistor DIMM dual in-line memory module DINOR divided bit-line NOR DIP dual in-line package DLP Digital Light Processing DMD digital micromirror device DMOS double diffusion metal oxide semiconductor DPAK Discrete Packaging DRAM dynamic random access memory DRCG Direct Rambus Clock Generator DTCP dual tape carrier package DTP dual tape carrier package EBDW e-beam direct write ECL emitter coupled logic EEPROM electrically erasable and programmable read only memory(E2PROM) ESBGA Enhanced Super Ball-Grid Array EPL electron-projection lithography EPLD erasable PLD EPROM erasable and programmable read only memory FACT Fairchild Advanced CMOS TTL FAST Fairchild advanced Schottky TTL FBGA fine-pitch ball grid array FCBGA flip chip ball grid array FCRAM Fast Cycle RAM FeRAM ferroelectric programmable read only memory FET field effect transistor FFS Flash File System FGA Fixed Gain amplifier FIFO first-in first-out FLGA fine pitch land grid array FLP flat lead package FP flat package FPGA field programmable gate array large scale PLD FPIC Field Programmable Interconnect Component FPM Fast Page Mode FQFP fine pitch quad flat package FRAM Ferroelectrics random access memory FTL Flash Translation Layer GLA graphical logic array GQFP quad flat package with guard ring GRAM graphics random access memory GSI giant scale integration GTL Gunning transceiver logic GTO gate turn-off thyristor HAD Hole-Accumulation Diode HBT heterojunction bipolar transistor HCMOS high performance complementary metal oxide semiconductor HEL high energy laser HEMT high electron mobility transistor HJFT heterojunction FET HPL high power laser HSOP thermally enhanced SOP HSQ hydrogen-silsesquioxane HSTL high speed transistor logic HTC High Transmission Cavity HTS High-Temperature Semiconductor I2L integrated injection logic IC integrated circuit ICA Integrated Circuit Accumulator IDT inter digital transducer IGBT insulated gate bipolar transistor IGT insulated gate transistor IMIC I/O Interface Model for Integrated Circuits ISB integrated system in board JFET junction field-effect transistor JLCC J-leaded chip carrier KGD known good die LCA Logic Cell Array LCC leadless chip carrier LCT light coupled transistor LD laser diode LDD lightly doped drain LDMOS laterally diffused MOS LED light emitting diode LFLGA low profile fine pitch land grid array LFSR linear feedback shift register LGA land grid array LOC lead on chip LOCOS local oxidation of silicon LQFP low profile quad flat package LSI large scale integrated circuit LSTTL low power Schottky transistor transistors logic LVCMOS low voltage CMOS LV-ECL low voltage-emitter coupled logic LVTTL low voltage TTL MAJC Microprocessor Architecture for Java Computing MC-FBGA Multi Chip Fine pitch Ball Grid Array MCM multi-chip module MCP multi-chip package MES FET metal semiconductor FET MFP mini flat package MIS metal insulator semiconductor MLC multi-level cell MMC MultiMediaCard MMCP micro multi-chip package MMIC microwave monolithic integrated circuit MNOS metal nitride oxide semiconductor MONOS metal oxide nitride oxide silicon MOS metal oxide semiconductor MOSFET metal oxide semiconductor field effect transistor MQFP metric quad flat package MQUAD metal quad MRAM magnetic random access memory MSI medium scale integrated circuit MSOP micro small outline package MSP mini square package MSQ methyl-silsequioxane MT-CMOS Multi-Threshold CMOS nMOS n-channel metal oxide semiconductor NROM Nitrided Read Only Memory NTL non-threshold logic NtRAM No Turnaround RAM NVRAM non volatile random access memory OAL OEM Abstraction Layer ODP Over-Drive Processor OEIC opto-electronic integrated circuit OLA Open Library API OLED Organic LED OLGA organic land grid array OMPAC over molded pad array carrier OPamp operational amplifier OPC organic photo conductor OTP one time programmable ROM OTPROM one time programmable ROM OUM Ovonic Unified Memory PAL Programmable Array Logic PBGA plastic ball grid array PC programmable controller PDIP Plastic Dual-Inline Package PECL positive emitter coupled logic PECVD plasma-enhanced chemical-vapor deposition PGA pin grid array PLA programmable logic array PLCC plastic leaded chip carrier PLCC plastic leadless chip carrier PLD programmable logic device pMOS p-channel metal oxide semiconductor PQFP plastic QFP PROM programmable read only memory PSGA plastic stud grid array QDR Quad Data Rate QFH quad flat high package QFI quad flat I-leaded package QFN quad flat high package QFP quad flat package QSOP Quarter Small-Outline Package QTCP quad tape carrier package QTP quad tape carrier package QUIP quad in-line package RAC macro cell with Rumbus interface RAM random access memory RAMDAC random access memory digital to analog converter RCLED Resonant Cavity Light Emitting Diode RET resolution enhancement technique RLDRAM Reduced Latency DRAM ROM read only memory RPPDL regenerative push-pull differential logic RRAM Resistance Random Access Memory RTDs resonant-tunneling diodes R-UIM Removable-User Identify Module SBB Stud Bump Bonding SBGA Super Ball-Grid Array SCFL source coupled FET logic SCR silicon controlled rectifier SDA Secure Digital Association SDIP shrink dual in-line package SDRAM Synchronous DRAM SGRAM Synchronous Graphics RAM SHBT single heterojunction bipolar transistor SHP surface horizontal package SIL single in-line SIM single in-line (memory) module SIMM single in-line memory module SIP single in-line package SIP System In Package SIT static induction transistor SLDRAM next generation DRAM SLSI super large scale integration SLT solid logic technology S-MCP Stacked Multi Chip Package SMILE spherical micro integrated lens SMP symmetrical multiprocessor SMT simultaneous multithreading SNB small outline nonleaded board package SO small out-line SOC system on chip SO-DIMM small outline dual in-line memory module SOI Small Out-line I-leaded package SOI silicon on insulator SOIC Small Outline Integrated Circuit SOJ small outline J-leaded package SON small outline non-leaded package SOP small outline package SOS silicon-on-sapphire SOT Small Outline Transistor SPDF Standard Parasitic (data) Exchange Format SQFP shrink quad flat package SRAM static random access memory SRF stream receiver FIFO SSD super Schottky diode SSI small scale integrated circuit SSIP shrink single in-line package SSOP shrink small out-line package SSTL stub series terminated transceiver logic STF stream transmitter FIFO STI shallow trench isolation STTL Schottky transistor transistor logic SVP surface vertical package SZIP shrink zigzag in-line package TAB tape-automated bonding TBGA tape ball grid array TCP tape carrier package TFD thin film diode T-LVTTL Terminated LVTTL TPQFP test pad QFP TQFP thin quad flat package TSOC Thin Small-Outline C-lead TSOP thin small out-line package TSSOP thin shrink small out-line package TTL transistor-transistor-logic UCSP ultra chip scale package ULSI ultra large scale IC USIC user specific integrated circuit UTSOP ultra thin small outline package VCM Virtual Channel Memory VCSEL Vertical Cavity Surface Emitting Laser VCX Virtual Component Exchange VDIP vertical dual in-line package VFBGA very-thin fine-pitch ball grid array VHSIC Very High Speed Integrated Circuit VLSI very large scale integrated circuit VMOS V-grooved metal oxide semiconductor VQFP very small quad flat package VRAM video random access memory VRM variable regulator module VS Variable Supply Voltage VSMP vertical surface mount package VSO very short pitch small out-line package VSOP very small out-line package VSRAM virtually-static random access memory VTCMOS Variable Threshold voltage CMOS WLCSP Wafer-Level Chip-Scale Package ZBT zero bus latency ZIF zero insertion force ZIP zigzag in-line package | Категория: Мои статьи | Добавил: tehnomir (19.07.2012) | Просмотров: 3315 | Рейтинг: 0.0/0 |
Monopoly game apk full version. MOSFET – POWER, Dual, Complementary, TSOP-6 30 V, +2.9/-2.2 A Features. Complementary N−Channel and P−Channel MOSFET. Small Size (3 x 3 mm) Dual TSOP−6 Package. Five nights at sonics maniac mania download. Leading Edge Trench Technology for Low On Resistance. Reduced Gate Charge to Improve Switching Response. Independently Connected Devices to Provide Design Flexibility.
Complementary Fete
- PMDT290UCE,115, The PMDT290UCE is a N/P-channel complementary enhancement-mode FET in an ultra small and flat lead surface-mount plastic package using Trench MOSFET technology. It is suitable for.
- The FET circuit as defined by claim 1 wherein said complementary FET circuit is an inverter circuit with said serially connected complementary transistors having gate electrodes connected to an input terminal. The FET circuit as defined by claim 1 wherein said complementary FET circuit comprises a.